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Welcome to my world aka Ni'chelle's blog. Here you can enjoy snapshots of story ideas and background info - annnnnnd whatever other randomness my brain tells my fingers to tappa tap tap onto the screen <3

Friday, October 19, 2012

Aww...I'm sorry but he/she just ain't that into you boo boo

     It happens.  You're dating someone and things are going good.  You spend every second of damn near everyday together and before you know it you panic and go into that "oh $hit, things are going so well - I'm happy and smiling....ooooh how can I f*ck this up?" mode. 
     You might accidentally blurt out the L***word too soon or ask the dreaded "Where is this thing going" question that almost NEVER gets the answer that's expected.  WELP I've tried and tested and tried again, and I can now say without a doubt these are some pretty fool proof ways to tell if Someone's just not that into you...
1.  Are you initiating all of the one on one time - like dinner or a movie? 
2 . If you two are sexually active - are you doing any other activities together OUTSIDE of sex.  (you might just be a convenient booty call)
3.  When you have a crisis or an emergency does this person rush to your side or even care to make sure you're okay - say you get sick would they actually offer to bring you soup or medicine or just text and say get better and have a good night?
4. Have they cut off dating other people??? (this one is important - if they're still looking well, that says a lot right there...)
5.  Are the only times you hear from them when they're just "bored" and looking for something to do? 
6. Have you met each other's closest friends?  (someone that isn't serious-serious could care less about meeting your friends and definitely wouldn't want you meeting theirs.)

     Those are my TOP SIX picks . . .actions definitely speak louder than words so no matter what someone says still take into consideration how you feel and how you feel you are being treated.  Nine times out of ten, if you have to ask the question you're not going to like the answer. . .and ten out of ten times when a person says they aren't ready for a relationship it usually just means they're ready - they just aren't ready for a relationship WITH YOU. 
 Tadaa!   - - -I really just wrote this as a wakeup call to myself, kind of like a friendly note to self.  BUT if I'm wrong on any of these - correct me.  Or maybe I overlooked some ish that might help keep me on my toes.  <3 'Chelle

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